At Ability Plus Therapy, we go beyond traditional, physical, occupational, and speech therapy by using innovative tools and techniques delivered through intensive programs that can change your child’s future. Our highly trained therapists also deliver traditional pediatric therapy methods, such as physical, occupational, and speech therapies. Learn more about the innovative habilitation and rehabilitation services we offer.
<h3 style=”color: #833177; margin-top: 20px; text-align: left;”>Services We Offer</h3>
Ability Plus Therapy specializes in providing intensive pediatric therapy, and we are the second clinic in the country to offer this service.
The TheraSuit is an innovative tool used during our intensive suit therapy program that increases proprioceptive input, or body awareness, and assists with body alignment to help patients strengthen their muscles to maintain a more desired position.
Our therapist guides children through exercises in the Universal Exercise Unit to strengthen muscles and allow them to experience precise and controlled movements.
Spider Therapy is utilized to promote spatial and body awareness and enhance function.
Multisensory rooms are immersive environments to develop the patient’s senses.
Occupational Therapy assists in the development, recovery, and maintenance of meaningful activities of daily living.
Pediatric physical therapy focuses on the evaluation and treatment of children with conditions that affect their movement, posture, motor development, and body function.
Speech Therapy focuses on the prevention and/or treatment of language, speech, cognition, and/or swallowing disorders.