Pediatric physical therapy focuses on the evaluation and treatment of children with conditions that affect their movement, motor development, and body function, and assists them in achieving their maximum potential for participation in the home, school, and community.
Benefits and Usage
• Improves strength
• Improves flexibility
• Improves range of motion
• Improves postural control
• Improves positioning
• Improves balance
• Improves mobility
• Improves hand-eye coordination
• Improves foot-eye coordination
• Develops gross motor skills
• Increases independence
Universal Exercise Unit
The Universal Exercise Unit is a device that resembles a cage. It contains a system of pulleys, ropes, and weights.
Spider Therapy
Spider Therapy is utilized with the Universal Exercise Unit in conjunction with a belt and bungee cords.
Neuro-Developmental Treatment
Neuro-Developmental Treatment (NDT), also known as the Bobath Method, is a specialized hands-on technique used by highly trained therapists to develop and enhance total body functioning.
Freedom Concepts™
& Rifton® Tricycles
Tricycle training is a fun and therapeutic activity that allows a child to experience overall fitness.
Partial Weight Bearing Training
An onsite 25-foot ceiling track is utilized with a harness to support the child while crawling or walking while on the floor or a treadmill.
Treadmills are used onsite with children of any age, with or without the ceiling track system, to learn how to use the appropriate muscles for walking.
Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation
Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES), also referred to as Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES), is a device that uses electrodes placed on the skin to cause muscle contraction.
The Galileo vibration plate provides a side alternating motion and whole-body vibration based on the natural movement of human gait, creating a tilting movement of the pelvis.
Multi-Sensory Room
Multisensory rooms are immersive environments to develop the patient’s senses and facilitate sensory integration.